Lois is an oil painter. She came from the small Sierra village of Blue Canyon and grew up in a very creative family: both her mother and her brother were successful artists. Lois’ formal art education began at RC Gorman Museum while attending UC Davis. And, while she has been making and selling her artwork throughout adulthood, she has also had a successful career as a school psychologist and school counselor. Lois’ work with special needs children and their families (California and overseas in Europe and the Middle East) in both school and private environments, has impacted her art making in profound ways.
Another great influencer in Lois’ art making is the work of the great painters, Matisse, Picasso, Van Gogh and Kandinsky. You can see this influence when viewing Lois’ use and sense color. And finally of some weighty significance, Lois’ artwork is most greatly influenced by her daily meditations, where she often finds the beginnings of her next painting project or series, and the direct connection her meditations afford her to being conscious in our universe.
Lois has been making and selling her art for over 30 years. She is an award-winning painter and has been juried into numerous prestigious annual art exhibits, and she exhibits her paintings in an ongoing basis in private galleries as well as not-for-profit galleries. Lois has also been a ‘forever’ student of art over the years, taking private lessons, group professional development art classes, and formal art classes at several universities including many studio classes at San Francisco Art Institute. Finally, Lois is a proud graduate of HSU’s Indian Teacher Education Program/Project (ITEPP), in Arcata, CA. Website LINK